Relocation services


Relocation services have evolved beyond just physical moving assistance. They now encompass a wide range of support, including finding a suitable homes, schools, access to essential medical services as well as procurement of cars, furniture etc and assisting with utilities. By addressing various aspects of life , our comprehensive approach ensures that our clients can transition smoothly to a new location making the relocation process smoother, more efficient, and less stressful.

Our services

Finding a Home

One of the most critical aspects of relocation is finding a comfortable and suitable place to live. We offer assistance in identifying appropriate housing options based on your preferences, budget, and lifestyle. We will provide listings for rental or purchase properties, arrange virtual or in-person property tours, and guide clients through the entire rental or buying process.

We can also assist with furnishing your home, setting up utilities, buying a car etc.

School Search and Enrolment

For families with school-age children, finding the right educational institution is paramount. We help parents identify schools that match their children’s needs and values. This includes providing information about local schools, their curricula, extracurricular activities, and assisting with the enrolment process.

Medical Services and Healthcare

Access to medical services is crucial for any individual or family. We have local networks of healthcare providers, clinics, and hospitals and can help clients locate doctors, dentists, specialists, and other medical professionals based on your healthcare needs. Additionally,  we can provide guidance on health insurance options and help with transferring medical records.

Community and Neighbourhood Information

We can provide detailed information about the new community and neighbourhood. This includes data on safety, local amenities, transportation options, recreational facilities, cultural activities, and more. Helping you to acclimatise quickly to your new surroundings.

Temporary Housing Arrangements

In cases where clients arrive before their permanent housing is ready, we can help arrange temporary housing solutions like furnished apartments or extended stay accommodations.

Ongoing Support

We will provide ongoing support beyond the initial move, staying connected with clients to address any challenges that arise and provide guidance on settling into the new environment.

Quite simply we want to ensure that whatever route you decide upon you are doing it fully prepared and with all the information you need to be able to make an informed choice.


128 City Road London, EC1V2NX ,UK
+357 99 201310
Mon-Sun: 8am – 8pm
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